Photonicat 编译 OpenWRT, Debian

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Revision as of 23:23, 21 March 2023 by C2h2 (talk | contribs)
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Host System Requirements

Debian 11 (bullseye) or Ubuntu 20.04.

Compiling Requirements

On Debian/Ubuntu systems, install the packages:

sudo apt-get install build-essential flex bison genext2fs

Get Repo files by tarball(with .git)


Install live build packages

Install live build packages if not installed yet:

sudo dpkg -i debian/ubuntu-build-service/packages/*.deb
sudo apt-get install -f

Config build target

Run the command below:


Build system image

Run the command below:


The output path is rockdev, system image path is rockdev/pack


Photonicat image contains following packages:

  1. OpenWRT (within rk3568-linux-sdk which builds bootloader, uboot, kernel and OpenWRT)
  2. pcat-manager (within rk3568-linux-sdk)
  3. pcat-manager-web (python closed source. install manually: e.g:, we need to change luci listen port to 8080.)
  4. quectel-cm (within rk3568-linux-sdk)

rk3568-linux-sdk will fetch uboot, kernel, openwrt, and copmile them in one build script.

In addition to default packages we have 3 more package for power and modem manager.

  • modem/power_manager (written in c)
  • web interface for displaying mobile modem and battery info. (written in python)
  • c program modem watchdog

Host System Requirements

Debian 11 (bullseye) or Ubuntu 20.04, other distributions may work but not tested.

Compiling Requirements

Please a NORMAL USER, not root

On Debian/Ubuntu systems, install the packages:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y build-essential flex bison genext2fs \
    ccache ecj fastjar file g++ gawk gettext git \
    java-propose-classpath libelf-dev libncurses5-dev \
    libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev python2.7-dev python3 \
    unzip wget python3-distutils python3-setuptools python3-dev \
    rsync subversion swig time xsltproc zlib1g-dev \
    device-tree-compiler gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu bc lz4 python 

Get repo files

Get repo files from Github (non-root user):

git clone -b openwrt --single-branch rk3568-linux-sdk
cd rk3568-linux-sdk
git submodule update --init

Config build target

Run the command below:


Build system image

Run the command below:

export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-

The output path is rockdev, system image path is rockdev/pack

Edit your menuconfig

cd openwrt
make menuconfig ARCH=aarch64

save and re-run build process again.

IPKs will be under:


Flash system images to the onboard eMMC

Refer: Photonicat_快速上手#4G/5G版本按键功能定义 to enter the firmware update mode, use A-to-A cable to connect USB OTG port to PC, and use the command below:

sudo tools/linux/Linux_Upgrade_Tool/Linux_Upgrade_Tool/upgrade_tool uf rockdev/pack/BOARDCONFIG-RK3568-PHOTONICAT-OPENWRT-DDR4-GPT-IMAGE_DATE-IMAGE_TIME.img #Replace IMAGE_DATE and IMAGE_TIME with the one you get.

Build your own package, modules


make menuconfig

to select

<M> package_name

for your desired package(s).